Rocket Engine

Bespoke site engine built by Tom Denley


Module information

You have free reign of your global site settings and make edits whenever you see fit.

The configuration module allows you to update your site's title, description, logo, contact email and other variables which ultimately determine your site, such as SEO and social links.

On top of this, you are able to edit the layout of each module (if view options are available) or show/hide what you deem necessary for your site's purpose.

Included in this is an array of your house style elements, from font and background image to your primary, secondary and accent colours.

There are no limits on your alterations, so you can play around freely until the settings suit you.


Module capabilities & requirements

  • Name
  • Email
  • Subject
  • Message
© Rocket Engine
Created By Tom Denley
Built with Rocket Engine

